Learning & Development

Learning and development is a subset of HR that aims to improve group and individual performance by growing and honing skills and knowledge of employees. It forms part of an organisation’s talent management strategy, thus aims align group and individual goals and performance with the organisation’s overall vision and goals. A learning program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. A development program brings all employees to an upskilled level so that they all have similar skills and knowledge base. This helps reduce any “weak links” within the organisation who rely on other staff members to complete basic work tasks.

Change Management

Change Management is the process that facilitates and accelerates the rate of change acceptance within the organisation.  It makes the transition from the current state to the desired state easier by informing and preparing the impacted individuals and groups. Our change management approach is focussed around leadership and stakeholder engagement, organisational alignment, training and communication. We utilise customised measurement and communication tools that facilitates the change process.

Staff Engagement

Staff engagement is a fundamental concept in the effort to understand and describe, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the nature of the relationship between an organization and its employees. It is a workplace approach that results in the right conditions for all members of an organisation to give of their best each day, committed to their organisation’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational success, with an enhanced sense of their own well-being.

Team Leadership & Performance

Leadership is a complex process and must be based on people and an organisational culture that engage in conscious decision-making. Our team leadership and performance approach ensures that a transformation process occurs that will contribute towards building leaders throughout any organisation and have equal access and opportunities to develop their full potential within an enabling environment in order to provide an excellent service to their organisation.